Triomed CGI is a portable therapeutic device for treatment and prevention of various pathological conditions. Triomed CGI emits low-intensity electromagnetic radiation of extremely high frequency EHF, or so called millimeter waves (MMW) and infrared (IR) spectrum, for treatments of areas of the human body.
Introducing MMW therapy in complex treatments of various health problems enables a faster healing process, reduce the severity of side effects and has achieved positive clinical results in drug-resistant patients. The device can be used to enhance the body’s health resources. The effects of MMW and infrared therapies have been clinically proven as anti-inflammatory and capable to activate healing processes, analgesic and anti-edematous activity, improve tissue regeneration, improve blood circulation, promote anti-stress and normalize the regulation of the autonomic nervous system.
Human health depends on how well one can adapt to the environment. Human beings and environment are constantly interacting with each other, exchanging information, energy and different substances. Rehabilitation of energy-informational frame, harmony with the environment is a powerful but still little used healing resource, a modern approach to health care and wellness.
As it is known, living cell emits EHF waves (extremely high frequency waves). In our modern technogenic civilization man filled the world with electromagnetic smog and uses EHF, specific for cells communication, for other purposes with fatal damaging effects for biological cells; degeneration of cells is the result. The required for life EHF radiation signal is replaced by technogenic noises. Distortion of the EHF signals determine the loss of adaptation abilities, regulatory processes fail and biological beings have no harmonic relations with the environment.
We can’t imagine our life today without aircrafts, trains, metro, TV and computers, washing machines, cellular phones etc. Nobody denies the fact that carriers of electromagnetic radiations created by man ensure comfort at home and at the office. Progress can’t be stopped. And besides there is no need to do this! One must learn how to live with technogenic civilization!
Triomed CGI changes a harmful electromagnetic field into waves which are informational directive signals specific to living organisms. So, biological channels of perception will receive the necessary information which further makes possible the restoration of biological electromagnetic and informational field enhancing the resilience and organism’s adaptability. The work with Triomed CGI results in synchronization of different systems inside the organism and its relations with the environment. Mutual adjustments take place on the informational level between living beings and environment. It takes place a restoration of auto regulation functions, a balancing of informational vibrations in resonance with the cells, organs and tissues. It is considered that this inside bioresonance determines whole informational wave field of the living organism; the exterior resonance with EHF signal is efficient at the use for curative reasons as method of correction of errors of informationally directing system of the cell.
Recent health and wellness approaches pointed on extremely high frequencies (EHF) known for their ability to restore health and energy reserves, diminishing thus the development of diseases. With EHF general nonspecific resistance is optimized and immunity of the organism to the unfavorable factors of the environment is raising. Triomed CGI marks a new stage in the development of millimeter technologies. The Harmonizer CGI is designed to protect humans and pets from unfavorable action of the environment by optimizing the feedback reaction on the stress factors.
When switching on the apparatus, EHF radiation is emitting which is intrinsic to the healthy living cell. This structures vapors of water in the air thus creating dynamic clusters, identical to those of the human organism. Structured clusters of the water vapor are transformed into secondary “micro-emitters” acting in mm-wave range. The emitter fixes the spectrum of surrounding electromagnetic field and it re-emits the waves, harmonizing the close surrounding space. And furthermore, the Harmonizer supports the characteristics of its emission for a long time (till next switching on).
Especially for Triomed CGI was developed a special field electromagnetic corrector. Thus, the electromagnetic field takes form of a sphere, making thus possible an interaction with the environment. The harmony of the field acts favorably on the environment and inner world of humans, their health and wellbeing.
Triomed CGI is an electronic tuning fork of the life waves and it tunes the receiving energy structures into human organism compatible electromagnetic radiations in millimeter range. The human organism begins again to perceive the directing EHF – signals of the healthy state – “the waves of life”.
Combination of EHF and Noise Resonance Radiation, specially selected modulations produce a kind of training of our organisms resulting in an enhanced adaptability. Nonspecific resistance increases, i.e. stability of the organism to the unfavorable factors is getting stronger.
Triomed CGI is a home appliance recommended for everyone and everyday use.
Triomed CGI easily fits in your pocket, so take it
On a trip
In the car (there is a special connection bridge)
In kindergarten, schools, offices, conferences rooms, meeting rooms, working teams.
Everywhere it supports better concentration and learning abilities, contributes to mutual understanding and establishes a constructive way of acting, prevents fatigue, helps relieving stress.
Triomed CGI is also a health care and wellness tool:
for preventing infections
for transfer of information on any information carrier (imprinting)
for structuring water
for taking care of plants
for improving health of pets
In acute cases, when there is no medical apparatus at hand it is possible to use CGI for emergency help: in case of injuries, burns, pain syndromes, etc. you can stop aggravation or even more complications.
Uses of Triomed CGI are not limited by age. It was noticed that Triomed CGI supports harmonious relationships in the family or groups. People start hearing each other! It is possible to use CGI in any group of any age and independently of the state of health of any member. It is very important that using CGI allows everyone to sense health improvements. Plato said: “After achieving a good adaptation level, the organism will have sufficient adjustment potential to withstand aggressive factors of infectious and non-infectious nature. Healthy persons become super-strong and super-resistant.”
It has been established that Triomed CGI contributes to the restoration of the balance of activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of autonomous nervous system and increases the total activity of neurohumoral influences in the human organism. CGI prevents the exhaustion of sympathicon-adrenal system and further developments of chronic stress as inadequate adaptive reaction of the organism.
contributes to reduction of diseases, and it is a good preventive tool
contributes to increase of nonspecific immunity
increases work productivity
lowers fatigue level
increases stress-resistance
improves sleep and what is extremely important sleep quality
facilitates organism adaptation to the environment, technogenic civilization by reducing possibilities of its negative influence
produces unique action – restores “bio-field” of humans
Triomed CGI is an apparatus that helps to counterbalance the whole strain on the human organism. To achieve this, you must switch on the Harmonizer mode once or twice per day (it is switched off automatically!). Action of Harmonizer CGI extends to 50 m³ (dimension of an average room).
With the use of CGI Harmonizer program starts the rehabilitation of the organism. However, if this level is not enough for your health condition, you can use Triomed CGI in a therapy mode. After the therapy session, it is recommended to come back to the use of Harmonizer program. Organism onset in the natural balance and harmony has high level of vitality, adaptability and survival power in the modern world. Harmonizer CGI makes possible to maintain this balance!
Health problems in the peripheral nervous system
Health problems in the autonomic nervous system
Health problems in ENT organs (Ear, Nose & Throat)
Health problems in the cardiovascular system
Health problems in the lungs and pleura
Health problems in the digestive tract
Skin and subcutaneous
Health problems of the musculoskeletal system
Gynecological problems
Diffuse pain
Pathology of the joints
Health problems of the spine
Wounds, burns
Allergic problems with skin rashes
“Harmony” means an optimum interaction between different subjects and objects in a system. Harmony is achieved thanks to the synchronization. Synchronization is an optimum mode of functioning of a dynamic system and it ensures such properties as integrity and stability.
Our organism is a complicated orchestra and must sound harmoniously and not as cacophony.
Mode “Harmony” includes two low frequency modulations aimed at harmonization of two parts of vegetative nervous system – sympathetic and parasympathetic – and inter hemisphere relations. Mode “Harmony” improves cerebral activity and develops intuition. Individual adjustment results in harmonization of humans with the environment. One of manifestations is improvement of interpersonal relations. Bio-energy frame of humans restores. General resistance (stability) of the organism to unfavorable factors improves, functional reserves are restored. It is recommended to use daily one or two times. At increased stress and in case of staying in zones with considerable electrosmog it is recommended to use this program up to 3-4 times per day.
Works with low frequency modulation aimed at stress-limiting. It allows adequate reaction of the organism to different stimuli. It optimizes all stages of development of reaction to aggressive factors causing stress. This adaptability reaction normally looks like this:
Recognition—–Launch of cascade of reactions—– Active reaction, sufficient, but not excessive——Problem processing with inactivation of the stress hormones.
This mode uses the effect of Noise Resonance Radiation (NRR) based on suppression of electromagnetic radiation of different infectious agents, viruses, bacteria, fungus and damaged cells. Diseases, traumas result from the absence of reconcilement between humans and the environment.
Thanks to the individual adjustment realized by Triomed CGI new technology, takes place a restoration of balanced, harmonious relationship between the humans and environment; this leads to faster healing of existing damages and prophylaxis of the new ones. With mode “Healer” it is possible to use Noise Resonance Radiation (NRR) action (own reflected radiation). To achieve this put CGI in Healer mode by the side with square window to the subject and switch on mode 3. In case of acute diseases and it is recommended to leave the device in Harmonizer mode on the body for the whole time of work in mode 3 Healer. The therapy time is about 30 minutes.
With the help of Healer program, it is possible to transfer healing information on different carriers; switch mode 3 for 30 seconds and then switch it off.
To transfer information on the water, CGI in mode Harmonizer must be placed for 1 min. at the wall of the glass with water so that the window should be below level of liquid. It is more efficient to use clean water such as distilled or RO water. EHF processing (“structuring”) of water is possible in mode 1 with the help of CGI Harmonizer, duration is 1minute through a glass or food film. Thickness of the glass should not exceed 2 mm.
Several sips of processed by EHF radiation (structured) water or water with “registered” information is recommended to drink at once without pause, intermediate transfer or storage.
To prevent infectious diseases distant use modes are recommended individually and in collectives as well – once or twice per day. At acute states and stresses contact use of Harmonizer “CGI” is allowed. While applying mode “Antistress” memory of stress is deleted, stress resistance increases. It is recommended to use at high psycho-emotional stresses.